First Camping Trip ( with Emerie)

Finley went on her first camping trip with mama and dada and Auntie Karrie, Uncle Nate and Emerie to Bodega, CA. It was a beautiful site with a brooke for floating moss boats. Finley had her first hot dog and first smores! It was an awesome first experience, and not too many bug bites! We cant wait to do it again. 6/19/16​F​

Pee Pee in the Potty

I know, it’s a bunch of pictures of pee. However, they represent so much more. Finley is well on her way with peeing in the potty with two consecutive days straight of doing it in the pot! She even did it during a camping trip (see next post) in the woods! 6/13/16 was the start of the momentum. Great job, big girl!