First Two Weeks of Preschool

Miss Finley Grace has been nothing short of amazing in her first two weeks of preschool. Teacher Marina and Teacher Lina love her and think she is a good listener, curious learner, strong little person, who is also kind and sweet. Finley has made some new friends including Adan, Ada, Noah, and Taelyn (whom she sometimes calls Maelyn, after her cousin). Finley loves sitting on the bench when teacher Marina plays the piano, and she enjoys “projects” at school. At week two, Finley started napping at school and only put up a little resistance before joining in with the rest of the group for two-hour naps. She had really made us proud. Love you, Fin.    

1st Day of Preschool

Today was Finley’s first day of preschool at Discoveryland. Finley woke up saying she was going to school today and that mama would be leaving and picking her up later (just as we had discussed). Fin picked out a tutu to wear and was off to school. At drop off, Finley hesitantly but willingly took Teacher Marina’s hand and said bye to mama. She completed a half day with almost no tears (boo pesky diapers). Teacher Marina said Finley did a great job with dancing at music time, painting with water colors, eating rice and veggies, and playing with other kids. When I picked her up, the first thing she said was, “I had fun at school, Mama.” We are so proud of our big girl.