Sleep Training Cronicles

It all started on Friday, May 30th, and mama will tell you that it was not easy. Listening to little Fin cry made our hearts hurt, but the promise of better sleep and a happier disposition for Finley made us go forward with our plan. As you can see from the bottom photo, night one came with approximately 15 minutes of tears followed by falling asleep in a seated position. Multiple wake-ups that 1st night made us a bit weary, but we forged ahead. Night two was much the same with ~10 minutes of tears and sit-up sleep, along with 3 wake-ups. Luckily, by night 3, we saw some minor progress with only one wake up and in bed until 5AM. Finally, by night 4, she was able to sleep until 6AM, leaving us to do several double takes on the monitor and clock.
To be continued…

