Back to Auntie Erin’s

Parker has been feeling better, so Finley was able to go back to Auntie Erin’s today. Both girls slept through the library story time, but they did play and eat together at home. Auntie Erin also took them for a nice, long walk in their fun, double stroller! (Fun for the girls; hard work for Auntie Erin.) The final report was that it was a pretty successful day.








Yup, that’s Finley eating a picture of mama.

Day 4 – Mama Back to Work

Finley headed to Auntie Erin’s again today for Day 2 of playing with Parker and sharing attention. She is not quite used to it since mama and Po Po spoil her a bit, but hopefully she’ll learn to be more independent soon. It’ll definitely get easier once she can sit up and play or crawl around.


Parker was feeling a little sick, so Finley finished up the day at Po Po and Gong Gong’s.

Day 3 – Mama Back to Work

Finley spent the day with Gong Gong and Po Po today on mama’s third day back at work. Po Po said that Fin was good all day and shed just a few tears here and there.

Here, Po Po is protecting Finley’s eyes with the help of a good old visor. 20140205-204119.jpg

Mama did have some quality time with Finley this morning before work. Here are a couple of pics.

